SHAKHI: “Friends of Women” is a grassroots young women-led non-governmental, non-profit making, independent organization working in the Southern Part of Nepal called Terai/ Madhesh region especially in Bara Districts. It is led and managed by a group of women committed to the development and empowerment of women, girls and children of marginalized and vulnerable communities. A group of Women from Pheta Rural Municipality, driven by a passion to bring change into Terai/Madhesh community, Special in the sector of women, girls, and children. The organization has committed to working for women, girls, and children only. SHAKHI is governed by General Assembly which is held every year. It has a 7-member Executive Board to run the programs of the organization. All the Board members are female. Only women and girls are able to be a member of SHAKHI and the organization has committed to recruit the staff mostly women and girls only. SHAKHI believes in positive discrimination between men and women to get equity and empowerment of women and girls

A peaceful, prosperous, and equity community where every woman, girl and child enjoy and exercise their rights without fear or favour for their overall development and empowerment.
Development and growth of every woman, girl and child through resource, skill, and information transfer and empowering them in favour of economic, socio-culture and personal development.
A just, peaceful, prosperous, and dignified life to all women and girls through the exercise of their rights, sense of duty, mutual respect and mutual co-existence.
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